The Ithaca Fine Arts Booster Group
An affiliate of the Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI), the FABG works in partnership with the Ithaca City School District (ICSD) to support and celebrate the fine arts for all our kids.

What We Do
We support students
We support teachers
We give back
We get involved
What We Want to Do
We want to support more students and teachers and provide support to offer more hands-on workshops, internships, speaker series, fellowships, and more. You can help!
What We've Done
We've given grants and provided support to teachers and students to enhance their knowledge and experiences in the fine arts.
Want to Help?
Your Instruments
Your Time
Your Expertise
Money (it's always welcome!)

"The Memory Project", a high school project funded by an FABG grant
Why do we do what we do?
Because Fine Arts Matter. And here is why......
Public schools are the place for equal access to the arts. For some children, arts in school may be the only opportunity for exposure.
We want to help build a life-long appreciation for the arts. The arts also offer exciting professional opportunities across a variety of different disciplines!



Our Schools
Beverly Martin Elementary School

Not all schools across the country have arts taught during the school day. Music lessons are free in the Ithaca City School District (ICSD), and they are held during the school day.
Not all school systems have a fine arts requirement to graduate. ICSD does! Our school system even has AP Arts classes.
Not all children have instruments. But ICSD has instruments for use and rent. In fact, FABG gives the district money to support rental scholarships, FABG refurbishes donated instruments to give to the ICSD to increase the instrument supply.
We Take Pride in Our Numbers
Founding of FABG
Funded Projects
Total Funds
Instruments Donated
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